Rite and Liturgy – Rit och Liturgi

Welcome to the seminary group “Rite and Liturgy”.
In this group there will normally be people from all the Nordic countries – and therefore the common language in the group will be English (not necessarily fluently spoken).
This year there will be three main issues in this group – and there will of course also be time for actual issues, that do not exactly fit into these three issues.

These are:
Liturgies and theological/liturgical backgrounds for same-sex-marriages.
Some Nordic Countries have liturgies for same-sex-marriages, others are preparing liturgies for a new Church Book – and others do not have same-sex-marriages in the church. Before the conference we will send the different liturgies from our countries and maybe one or two more. These will be presented and discussed at the conference.

We believe what we pray.
Lex orandi, lex credendi. How does creed and prayer/hymns relate to each other. Do the Lutheran creeds (especially CA) determine also new prayers, or are prayers and hymns a more non-dogmatic part of liturgy? You will be asked to send one or two prayers (if you want to) before the conference, so that we can talk about them together. There will be sent one or two short articles as well.

Children in the Liturgy.

In the Nordic Countries we are having different traditions concerning the involving of children (and other lay people) in the Congregations’s Sunday Service. We will talk about the different traditions and experiences – and about who “decides”, who are participating in the local liturgy.  There will be a few shorter articles sent to you.

If you have an issue to discuss with the group, please write to the leader of the seminary group, Tine Illum ti@km.dk within September 16th – and if you have liturgies, shorter articles etc. please send them as well.
I will try to send you articles and liturgies and a list of participants before September 21st.

Looking forward to see you in Trondheim in November.

Tine Illum