Velkommen i musik- og liturgigruppen hvor årets Leitourgia tema ’Og Ordet blev sang….’ belyses i deltagernes forskellige indlæg om projekter, udgivelser, forskning, nye tiltag i de forskellige landes organisering af de salme- og kirkemusiktraditioner, der i disse år vokser frem ovenpå ældre. Alle ønsker til indhold relateret til årets tema, som deltagere gerne vil dele med gruppen er velkomne og sendes til årets gruppeleder Janne Mark på
Muligvis kan vi få John Bell på besøg i gruppen og fortælle om hans arbejde med fællessang ud fra hans bøger om ’The Singing Thing’, Wild Goose Resource Group.
Leder: Janne Mark, Danmark. Mail:
Welcome to the music- and liturgy group where the theme of this years’ Leitourgia ‘And the Word became song…..’ will be addressed through shared material among the participants on projects, releases (books, songbooks, hymn-collections, choir arrangements etc.) research, and also through topics like how the different Nordic countries organize themselves around the new hymnal- and church music traditions that is in growth during these years upon elder traditions.
All kinds of material that participants in the group would like to share that links to the theme of this year is welcome and can be send to group leader Janne Mark at
If its’ possible we can have John Bell visiting the group to share his experience with his work on congregational singing described in his books ‘The Singing Thing’, Wild Goose Resource Group.
Leader: Janne Mark, Denmark. Mail: