Kropp och rörelse i gudstjänsten
Ny grupp från 2014
Vi anknyter i samlingen på Island till konferensens tema Levande ord - levande tradition?
Deltagare från Sverige delar med sig av erfarenheter från den pågående pilotkursen om Kropp och rörelse i gudstjänsten. Texter på temat är välkomna. Kontakta gruppens ledare så sprider hon texterna i förväg. Vi prövar också att tillsammans ge Ordet kropp genom att arbeta med en eller flera bibeltexter.
This group takes its starting point in the body, rather than in the head. We talk about the Church as the body of Christ, but how does tradition become enfleshed? How is the Word embodied and how may bodily wisdom be verbalized? This seminar explores bodily expressions for the Christian assembly meeting for worship. When our bodies express what we say our worship comes alive. We work with concrete bodily expressions and reflect on these in conversations and written texts.
Vi connect in our gathering on Iceland to the theme of the conference Living Word - living tradition?
Participants from Sweden share experiences from the ongoing course on Body and movements in worship. Texts are welcome. Contact the group leader (see above) and she will pass the texts around. We will also try in practice to find bodily expressions of the Word using one or more biblical texts.